Marathon runners 2018

Elisa a local fitness instructor from Deal has chosen to run for Martha in 2018 Virgin Money London Marathon.

You can support Elisa online or by contacting fundraising on 01304 610448.

Sponsor Elisa

Florence has seen first hand the good work Martha does, as her partners sister lives at one of our homes in Deal.

You can support Florence online or by contacting fundraising on 01304 610448.

Sponsor Florence

Emily is running for Martha in 2018 Virgin London Marathon.

You can support Emily online or by calling us on 01304 610448.

Sponsor Emily

Jo will be running the 2018 Virgin London Marathon in aid of Martha.

You can support Jo online or by contacting fundraising on 01304 610448.

Sponsor Jo

Daniel will be running for Martha for the first time in 2018.

You can support Dan’s fundraising online or by calling us on 01304 610448

Sponsor Dan

Ruth has chosen to run for Martha in 2018.

You can support Ruth online or by contacting fundraising on 01304 610448.

Sponsor Ruth