Executive Agreements Are

Executive agreements are a type of agreement made between the heads of multiple countries without requiring approval from the legislative bodies of those countries. These agreements can be used to establish trade deals, create military alliances, or address diplomatic issues between countries.

Unlike treaties, executive agreements do not require ratification by the Senate and can be implemented with a simple exchange of letters or even a handshake. This allows for a more efficient process for making agreements between countries, as treaties can often take years to negotiate and ratify.

Executive agreements have been used by multiple U.S. presidents, including Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Barack Obama. They have been used to establish trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as well as to negotiate arms control measures with the Soviet Union.

However, executive agreements have also been controversial. Some argue that they bypass the democratic process and allow the executive branch to make decisions without proper oversight. Additionally, executive agreements are not guaranteed to be followed by future administrations, as they are not legally binding like treaties.

Overall, executive agreements can be a useful tool for quickly establishing agreements between countries, but they should be used cautiously and with consideration for the potential implications and limitations.