A new home for Steven

New resident Steven Barley has moved into Mary House in Hastings and according to his mum, Melanie, has “settled in immediately and clearly loves it there.”
Steven’s parents currently live in Yorkshire but are relocating to be near their two daughters who live in London. Steven and his sisters are extremely close and are already enjoying the benefits of Steven’s move to East Sussex with regular visits to his new home.
In a recent email, Sarah told us: “My brother has been thriving at Mary House. I just wanted you to know that I am so grateful for your wonderful staff and the happy and positive atmosphere. Steven recently spoke again (only two words but a giant step!) after 18 months of being non-verbal, so it shows he is really relaxing and happy where he is. I know my parents feel huge relief that he is in Mary House and they managed to relocate him so successfully.”
Steven can light up a room with his wonderful sense of humour and beautiful smile – to his new friends at Mary House it feels as though he’s always been there.
We wish Steven and his family every happiness.
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01304 615223