Martha needs your Vote!

We need your help…..
Martha has been shortlisted for the Lloyds Community Fund 2013 and we have a chance of being awarded £3,000.
But we need your help – we are asking you to spare a few minutes to vote for Martha. Voting opened today and will remain open until Friday 1st November.
You can Vote :
- Online at
Please ensure you click the link in the confirmation email they send you so your vote is counted. - In branch at the Lloyds Bank in Deal, Dover or Sandwich
Simply ask a member of staff for a token - By text Text ‘VOTE KQLD’ to 61119
Spread the word and encourage your friends and family to vote for Martha too!
Small Print
Online votes – only one vote per email address can be made. The email addresses will only be used by Lloyds for the administration of the Community Fund voting process. Once a vote is cast, the voter will receive an email from Lloyds Community Fund. Voters need to click on the link in the email to confirm their vote and have it counted. If you don’t click the link the vote is not counted.
SMS text message votes will be charged at the mobile phone users’ standard message rate and the phone number will only be used for administration of the Community Fund voting process. Only one vote per community group, per mobile number is allowed.
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223