Children flock to meet Father Christmas

A record number of children came to visit Father Christmas at this year’s Martha Trust Christmas Fayre. Martha Resident Jenny Jones and her Support Worker Lauren Goodban played an active role as elves for the morning, showing children in to see Father Christmas.
Sandwich Music Group played Christmas Carols while people browsed the stalls and enjoyed tea and coffee and a range of cakes and sweets made by the residents, staff and volunteers of Martha Trust.
Thank you to everyone who came along on the day including The Mayor of Sandwich and his wife, the maintenance men and Town Sargent at the Guildhall for all their help and to the Martha Trust volunteers who made cakes, poured tea and coffee and generally made the day a success. The event raised over £1,400, a fantastic sum that will help Martha Trust transform the lives of people with profound disabilities.
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223